
Welcome to AAIServ Web Design. The solution
for small business web site development and affordable maintenance.
We'll meet (or email) with you for free to discuss your needs and what
you want your web site to do for you. We can use your existing
logos/graphics or work with you to create the 'look' and feel you want
for your site. We use any and all Internet technologies to keep your
site fast and flexible.
Once your site is done, we won't leave you in the lurch.
We will be happy to maintain your site for you but if it's something you
want to do on your own, we take great pride in empowering our clients to
utilize and update their site without paying outside sources.
understand that this Internet stuff can seem intimidating but we make a
point of dealing with you in real terms. We're not here to impress
you with all the silly terms we know. We're here to create the web site
you need for your business. So take a look around and let us know how we can help you.
If you currently own a web site and are tired of paying
too much for updates and content changes then check our rates. Our first
approach is to talk with you and determine if you want to maintain your
site yourself. Nothing makes us happier than to take a few hours to
enable someone to control there own web presence. It's your site. If
maintenance is not something you want to add to your many other tasks,
then dump it on us. You will not find the same experience at the prices
we offer!
To learn what AAIServ can do for you, please submit a project inquiry.